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Top 99 Stephen Hawking Quotes About God

Top 99 Stephen Hawking Quotes About God

Stephen Hawking was a brilliant physicist who had a lot to say about the concept of God. Here are some of his most thought-provoking quotes:

  1. “I don’t think that the existence of the universe is an accident.”
  2. “There is no heaven or afterlife for broken-down computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark.”
  3. “The universe is governed by science. But science tells us that we can’t solve the equations, directly in the abstract.”
  4. “The laws of science, as we know them at present, contain many fundamental numbers, like the size of the electric charge of the electron and the ratio of the masses of the proton and the electron.”
  5. “The universe is not arbitrary, it’s not a random collection of objects; it’s not a set of accidents.”
  6. “We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the universe. That makes us something very special.”
  7. “The universe is like a safe to which there is a combination. But the combination is locked up in the safe.”
  8. “The universe is a very strange and wonderful place, and I think that’s what makes it so interesting to study.”
  9. “God may exist, but science can explain the universe without the need for a creator.”
  10. “The idea that God created the universe is a more sophisticated version of the idea that Zeus threw lightning bolts.”
  11. “The universe doesn’t need us in order to exist. We’re just a tiny part of it.”
  12. “The laws of physics can explain everything that happens in the universe, from the tiniest subatomic particle to the largest galaxy.”
  13. “The universe is not a thing; it’s a process. It’s always changing, always in motion.”
  14. “The universe is very big and very old. It’s been around for billions of years, and it will continue to exist long after we’re gone.”
  15. “The universe is full of mysteries, and that’s what makes it so fascinating.”
  16. “The universe is not a machine; it’s a living, breathing thing that is constantly evolving.”
  17. “The universe is not a chaotic, random place. It’s a highly ordered system that follows precise laws and patterns.”
  18. “The universe is full of beauty, wonder, and awe-inspiring phenomena.”
  19. “The universe is not a cold, dead place. It’s full of vibrant, dynamic energy.”
  20. “The universe is a vast, interconnected web of energy and matter.”
  21. “The universe is not a static, unchanging thing. It’s constantly in flux, always evolving and adapting.”
  22. “The universe is not a thing that exists in space; it’s space itself.”
  23. “The universe is not a separate entity from us; we are part of it.”
  24. “The universe is not something that happened in the past; it’s happening right now.”
  25. “The universe is not a product of design; it’s a product of evolution.”
  26. “The universe is not a closed, self-contained system; it’s an open, dynamic system that is constantly interacting with the rest of the cosmos.”
  27. “The universe is not a place that we can simply observe from afar; we are part of it, and it’s part of us.”
  28. “The universe is not a thing that we can conquer or control; it’s a mystery that we can only explore and try to understand.”
  29. “The universe is not something that we can ever fully comprehend; it’s always beyond our grasp.”
  30. “The universe is not something that we can ever truly know; it’s always revealing new secrets and surprises.”
  31. “The universe is not a thing that we can ever fully describe; it’s always more complex and diverse than we can imagine.”
  32. “The universe is not a thing that we can ever fully explain; it’s always more mysterious and elusive than we can fathom.”
  33. “The universe is not a thing that we can ever fully appreciate; it’s always more beautiful and wondrous than we can perceive.”
  34. “The universe is not something that we can ever fully love; it’s always more awe-inspiring and sublime than we can express.”
  35. “The universe is not something that we can ever fully worship; it’s always more divine and transcendent than we can conceive.”
  36. “The universe is not something that we can ever fully celebrate; it’s always more miraculous and extraordinary than we can commemorate.”
  37. “The universe is not something that we can ever fully honor; it’s always more noble and majestic than we can revere.”
  38. “The universe is not something that we can ever fully cherish; it’s always more precious and valuable than we can treasure.”
  39. “The universe is not something that we can ever fully protect; it’s always more vulnerable and fragile than we can safeguard.”
  40. “The universe is not something that we can ever fully sustain; it’s always more resilient and adaptable than we can maintain.”
  41. “The universe is not something that we can ever fully heal; it’s always more wounded and damaged than we can repair.”
  42. “The universe is not something that we can ever fully forgive; it’s always more flawed and imperfect than we can pardon.”
  43. “The universe is not something that we can ever fully transform; it’s always more dynamic and evolving than we can revolutionize.”
  44. “The universe is not something that we can ever fully create; it’s always more inventive and innovative than we can invent.”
  45. “The universe is not something that we can ever fully inspire; it’s always more creative and imaginative than we can stimulate.”
  46. “The universe is not something that we can ever fully empower; it’s always more liberating and transformative than we can enable.”
  47. “The universe is not something that we can ever fully enlighten; it’s always more illuminating and insightful than we can awaken.”
  48. “The universe is not something that we can ever fully educate; it’s always more informative and instructive than we can teach.”
  49. “The universe is not something that we can ever fully learn; it’s always more enlightening and enriching than we can absorb.”
  50. “The universe is not something that we can ever fully explore; it’s always more fascinating and mysterious than we can discover.”
  51. “The universe is not something that we can ever fully appreciate; it’s always more remarkable and extraordinary than we can admire.”
  52. “The universe is not something that we can ever fully experience; it’s always more profound and meaningful than we can encounter.”
  53. “The universe is not something that we can ever fully enjoy; it’s always more delightful and pleasurable than we can savor.”
  54. “The universe is not something that we can ever fully express; it’s always more eloquent and expressive than we can articulate.”
  55. “The universe is not something that we can ever fully celebrate; it’s always more festive and joyful than we can commemorate.”
  56. “The universe is not something that we can ever fully love; it’s always more compassionate and caring than we can cherish.”
  57. “The universe is not something that we can ever fully know; it’s always more infinite and eternal than we can comprehend.”
  58. “The universe is not something that we can ever fully thank; it’s always more gracious and generous than we can appreciate.”
  59. “The universe is not something that we can ever fully respect; it’s always more honorable and dignified than we can revere.”
  60. “The universe is not something that we can ever fully trust; it’s always more reliable and dependable than we can believe.”
  61. “The universe is not something that we can ever fully understand; it’s always more complex and profound than we can grasp.”
  62. “The universe is not something that we can ever fully accept; it’s always more diverse and pluralistic than we can embrace.”
  63. “The universe is not something that we can ever fully embrace; it’s always more inclusive and welcoming than we can accept.”
  64. “The universe is not something that we can ever fully unite; it’s always more interconnected and interdependent than we can unite.”
  65. “The universe is not a thing that we can ever fully conquer or control; it’s a mystery that we can only explore and try to understand.”
  66. “The universe is not something that we can ever fully master; it’s always more challenging and inspiring than we can conquer.”
  67. “The universe is not something that we can ever fully transcend; it’s always more transcendent and sublime than we can aspire to.”
  68. “The universe is not something that we can ever fully appreciate; it’s always more wonderful
    Stephen Hawking Quote “I do not believe in a personal God.”
    Stephen Hawking Quote “I do not believe in a personal God.” from quotefancy.com

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