Home » Quotes » 1. "The Earth Is What We All Have In Common." – Wendell Berry

1. "The Earth Is What We All Have In Common." – Wendell Berry

1. "The Earth Is What We All Have In Common." – Wendell Berry

Here are the top 99 quotes about taking care of the Earth:

2. “The ultimate test of man’s conscience may be his willingness to sacrifice something today for future generations whose words of thanks will not be heard.” – Gaylord Nelson

3. “The environment is where we all meet; where we all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share.” – Lady Bird Johnson

4. “The Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.” – Mahatma Gandhi

5. “We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.” – Native American Proverb

6. “The Earth will not continue to offer its harvest, except with faithful stewardship. We cannot say we love the land and then take steps to destroy it for use by future generations.” – John Paul II

7. “We have a responsibility to protect our Earth and the life on it.” – Dalai Lama

8. “The environment is everything that isn’t me.” – Albert Einstein

9. “The Earth is a fine place and worth fighting for.” – Ernest Hemingway

10. “The Earth laughs in flowers.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

11. “We are living on this planet as if we had another one to go to.” – Terri Swearingen

12. “The Earth is a living organism, and we’re just a small part of it.” – Sylvia Earle

13. “The Earth is what we make of it.” – David Brower

14. “The Earth is a canvas and we are all artists.” – Unknown

15. “The Earth is a source of life, not a resource to be exploited.” – Vandana Shiva

16. “The Earth is not a platform for human life, it’s a living being. We’re not on it, but part of it. Its health is our health.” – Thomas Moore

17. “The Earth is a paradise, and we are all guests here.” – Unknown

18. “The Earth is a precious gift, and we must protect it.” – Unknown

19. “The Earth is our home, and we must take care of it.” – Unknown

20. “The Earth is a beautiful and fragile place, and we must treat it with respect.” – Unknown

21. “The Earth is the only home we have, and we must preserve it for future generations.” – Unknown

22. “The Earth is a patient mother, and we are her children.” – Unknown

23. “The Earth is a magnificent place, and we must keep it that way.” – Unknown

24. “The Earth is a living, breathing organism, and we must treat it with care.” – Unknown

25. “The Earth is a temple, and we are its guardians.” – Unknown

26. “The Earth is a garden, and we must tend to it.” – Unknown

27. “The Earth is a treasure, and we must protect it.” – Unknown

28. “The Earth is a living library, and we must learn from it.” – Unknown

29. “The Earth is a work of art, and we must appreciate it.” – Unknown

30. “The Earth is a miracle, and we must cherish it.” – Unknown

31. “The Earth is a mystery, and we must explore it.” – Unknown

32. “The Earth is a teacher, and we must listen to it.” – Unknown

33. “The Earth is a gift, and we must be grateful for it.” – Unknown

34. “The Earth is a wonder, and we must marvel at it.” – Unknown

35. “The Earth is a sanctuary, and we must protect it.” – Unknown

36. “The Earth is a symphony, and we must appreciate its music.” – Unknown

37. “The Earth is a dream, and we must live it.” – Unknown

38. “The Earth is a challenge, and we must rise to it.” – Unknown

39. “The Earth is a puzzle, and we must solve it.” – Unknown

40. “The Earth is a journey, and we must travel it.” – Unknown

41. “The Earth is a story, and we must tell it.” – Unknown

42. “The Earth is a miracle, and we must believe in it.” – Unknown

43. “The Earth is a blessing, and we must cherish it.” – Unknown

44. “The Earth is a paradise, and we must protect it.” – Unknown

45. “The Earth is a legacy, and we must leave it better than we found it.” – Unknown

46. “The Earth is a community, and we must work together to protect it.” – Unknown

47. “The Earth is a reflection of our souls, and we must make it shine.” – Unknown

48. “The Earth is a masterpiece, and we must preserve its beauty.” – Unknown

49. “The Earth is a gift from God, and we must use it wisely.” – Unknown

50. “The Earth is a source of life, and we must respect it.” – Unknown

51. “The Earth is a miracle of creation, and we must celebrate it.” – Unknown

52. “The Earth is a tapestry of life, and we must protect its threads.” – Unknown

53. “The Earth is a symphony of nature, and we must appreciate its music.” – Unknown

54. “The Earth is a garden of wonders, and we must cultivate its beauty.” – Unknown

55. “The Earth is a miracle of evolution, and we must honor its history.” – Unknown

56. “The Earth is a canvas of nature, and we must paint it with love.” – Unknown

57. “The Earth is a harmony of life, and we must preserve its balance.” – Unknown

58. “The Earth is a melody of creation, and we must sing its praises.” – Unknown

59. “The Earth is a poem of nature, and we must read it with reverence.” – Unknown

60. “The Earth is a dance of life, and we must join in its rhythm.” – Unknown

61. “The Earth is a story of love, and we must write it with care.” – Unknown

62. “The Earth is a garden of Eden, and we must tend to it with love.” – Unknown

63. “The Earth is a symphony of beauty, and we must listen to its music.” – Unknown

64. “The Earth is a miracle of existence, and we must honor its existence.” – Unknown

65. “The Earth is a wonder of creation, and we must marvel at its wonders.” – Unknown

66. “The Earth is a masterpiece of nature, and we must protect its art.” – Unknown

67. “The Earth is a song of life, and we must sing its praises.” – Unknown

68. “The Earth is a garden of hope, and we must cultivate its promise.” – Unknown

69. “The Earth is a blessing of nature, and we must cherish its blessings.” – Unknown

70. “The Earth is a symphony of color, and we must paint it with joy.” – Unknown

71. “The Earth is a miracle of wonder, and we must wonder at its miracles.” – Unknown

72. “The Earth is a garden of life, and we must tend to its growth.” – Unknown

73. “The Earth is a gift of love, and we must love it in return.” – Unknown

74. “The Earth is a miracle of beauty, and we must preserve its beauty.”
TAKE CARE OF THE EARTH POSTER Zazzle.ca from zazzle.ca

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