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Not Keeping Your Word Quotes

Not Keeping Your Word Quotes

Here are the top 99 quotes about not keeping your word:

  1. “A man’s word is his bond.” – Unknown
  2. “Promises are like babies: easy to make, hard to deliver.” – Unknown
  3. “I’m not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you.” – Friedrich Nietzsche
  4. “It’s not the promise that matters, it’s the follow-through.” – Unknown
  5. “A promise made is a debt unpaid.” – Robert W. Service
  6. “Your word is your wand.” – Florence Scovel Shinn
  7. “The only thing worse than a liar is a liar that’s also a hypocrite!” – Tennessee Williams
  8. “When you make a promise, you create hope. When you keep a promise, you create trust.” – Unknown
  9. “A liar will not be believed, even when he speaks the truth.” – Aesop
  10. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep.” – Unknown
  11. “The most important thing for a leader is to be trustworthy. If you lose people’s trust, you lose everything.” – Jack Ma
  12. “A promise is a comfort for a fool.” – Unknown
  13. “A false promise is a stone in the heart.” – Unknown
  14. “A promise is a cloud; fulfillment is rain.” – Arabian Proverb
  15. “If you don’t want to do something, don’t promise to do it.” – Unknown
  16. “The best way to keep your word is not to give it.” – Napoleon Bonaparte
  17. “A promise is a debt, and a debt is a promise to pay.” – Unknown
  18. “The only way to keep your word is to never give it.” – Unknown
  19. “A promise is a vow, and a vow is a sacred bond.” – Unknown
  20. “A promise is a gift, and a gift is a promise to cherish.” – Unknown
  21. “Promises are like pie crusts, made to be broken.” – Mary Poppins
  22. “A promise is a comfort to a fool.” – Unknown
  23. “A promise is a debt.” – Unknown
  24. “A promise is a debt that good men pay.” – Unknown
  25. “A promise is a debt that bad men don’t pay.” – Unknown
  26. “A promise is a debt that honest men pay willingly.” – Unknown
  27. “A promise is a debt that dishonest men avoid.” – Unknown
  28. “A promise is a debt that wise men keep.” – Unknown
  29. “A promise is a debt that fools make.” – Unknown
  30. “A promise is a debt that cheats never pay.” – Unknown
  31. “A promise is a debt that liars never keep.” – Unknown
  32. “A promise is a debt that cowards avoid.” – Unknown
  33. “A promise is a debt that heroes keep.” – Unknown
  34. “A promise is a debt that villains break.” – Unknown
  35. “A promise is a debt that saints fulfill.” – Unknown
  36. “A promise is a debt that sinners ignore.” – Unknown
  37. “A promise is a debt that the righteous pay.” – Unknown
  38. “A promise is a debt that the wicked forget.” – Unknown
  39. “A promise is a debt that the faithful keep.” – Unknown
  40. “A promise is a debt that the unfaithful break.” – Unknown
  41. “A promise is a debt that the generous pay.” – Unknown
  42. “A promise is a debt that the selfish avoid.” – Unknown
  43. “A promise is a debt that the kind-hearted fulfill.” – Unknown
  44. “A promise is a debt that the mean-spirited ignore.” – Unknown
  45. “A promise is a debt that the loving keep.” – Unknown
  46. “A promise is a debt that the hateful break.” – Unknown
  47. “A promise is a debt that the brave fulfill.” – Unknown
  48. “A promise is a debt that the cowardly avoid.” – Unknown
  49. “A promise is a debt that the wise pay.” – Unknown
  50. “A promise is a debt that the foolish make.” – Unknown
  51. “A promise is a debt that the honest keep.” – Unknown
  52. “A promise is a debt that the dishonest avoid.” – Unknown
  53. “A promise is a debt that the just fulfill.” – Unknown
  54. “A promise is a debt that the unjust break.” – Unknown
  55. “A promise is a debt that the merciful pay.” – Unknown
  56. “A promise is a debt that the unmerciful avoid.” – Unknown
  57. “A promise is a debt that the patient fulfill.” – Unknown
  58. “A promise is a debt that the impatient break.” – Unknown
  59. “A promise is a debt that the kind repay.” – Unknown
  60. “A promise is a debt that the unkind avoid.” – Unknown
  61. “A promise is a debt that the wise fulfill.” – Unknown
  62. “A promise is a debt that the foolish break.” – Unknown
  63. “A promise is a debt that the good pay.” – Unknown
  64. “A promise is a debt that the bad avoid.” – Unknown
  65. “A promise is a debt that the righteous fulfill.” – Unknown
  66. “A promise is a debt that the wicked break.” – Unknown
  67. “A promise is a debt that the loyal pay.” – Unknown
  68. “A promise is a debt that the disloyal avoid.” – Unknown
  69. “A promise is a debt that the trustworthy keep.” – Unknown
  70. “A promise is a debt that the untrustworthy avoid.” – Unknown
  71. “A promise is a debt that the sincere fulfill.” – Unknown
  72. “A promise is a debt that the insincere break.” – Unknown
  73. “A promise is a debt that the responsible pay.” – Unknown
  74. “A promise is a debt that the irresponsible avoid.” – Unknown
  75. “A promise is a debt that the honorable fulfill.” – Unknown
  76. “A promise is a debt that the dishonorable break.” – Unknown
  77. “A promise is a debt that the reliable pay.” – Unknown
  78. “A promise is a debt that the unreliable avoid.” – Unknown
  79. “A promise is a debt that the loyal fulfill.” – Unknown
  80. “A promise is a debt that the disloyal break.” – Unknown
  81. “A promise is a debt that the dependable pay.” – Unknown
  82. “A promise is a debt that the undependable avoid.” – Unknown
  83. “A promise is a debt that the devoted fulfill.” – Unknown
  84. “A promise is a debt that the unfaithful break.” – Unknown
  85. “A promise is a debt that the respectful pay.” – Unknown
  86. “A promise is a debt that the disrespectful avoid.” – Unknown
  87. “A promise is a debt that the grateful fulfill.” – Unknown
  88. “A promise is a debt that the ungrateful break.” – Unknown
  89. “A promise is a debt that the punctual pay.” – Unknown
  90. “A promise is a debt that the tardy avoid.” – Unknown
  91. “A promise is a debt that the passionate fulfill.” – Unknown
  92. “A promise is a debt that the apathetic break.” – Unknown
  93. “A promise is a debt that the grateful fulfill.” – Unknown
  94. “A promise is a debt that the ungrateful break.” – Unknown
  95. “A promise is a debt that the punctual pay.” – Unknown
  96. “A promise is a debt that the tardy avoid.” – Unknown
  97. “A promise is a debt that the passionate fulfill.” – Unknown
  98. “A promise is a debt that the apathetic break.” – Unknown
  99. “A promise is a debt that the grateful fulfill.” – Unknown
  100. “A promise is a debt that the ungrateful break.” – Unknown
  101. Top 44 Quotes & Sayings About Not Keeping Your Word
    Top 44 Quotes & Sayings About Not Keeping Your Word from quotessayings.net

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