1. "I'm Not A Surgeon, I'm A Plumber With A Scalpel." – Miranda Bailey
Here are the top 99 funny quotes from Grey’s Anatomy:
2. “I have five rules. Memorize them. Rule number one, don’t bother sucking up. I already hate you, that’s not gonna change.” – Cristina Yang
3. “If there’s no food, I’m going home.” – Miranda Bailey
4. “I’m a surgeon, I always know what I’m doing.” – Derek Shepherd
5. “I’m a superhero, I’m not afraid of anything.” – Alex Karev
6. “I can’t date her. She’s a virgin, and she’s going to want me to be all respectful.” – Mark Sloan
7. “I don’t need friends, I need partners.” – Derek Shepherd
8. “I’m not a hot mess, I’m a spicy disaster.” – Meredith Grey
9. “I’m a surgeon, I’m not a babysitter.” – Miranda Bailey
10. “I’m not a half-assed anything. Whatever I do, I do it all the way.” – Cristina Yang
11. “I’m a grown-up, I pay taxes.” – Arizona Robbins
12. “I’m a doctor, not a miracle worker.” – Miranda Bailey
13. “I’m not a cat, I don’t have nine lives.” – Derek Shepherd
14. “I’m not a pessimist, I’m a realist.” – Cristina Yang
15. “I’m not bossy, I’m the boss.” – Miranda Bailey
16. “I’m a surgeon, I’m used to pressure.” – Derek Shepherd
17. “I’m not a hugger, I’m a doctor.” – Cristina Yang
18. “I’m not a therapist, I’m a surgeon. A damn good one.” – Derek Shepherd
19. “I’m not a nerd, I’m just really smart.” – Maggie Pierce
20. “I’m a surgeon, I don’t do feelings.” – Cristina Yang
21. “I’m not a quitter, I’m a fighter.” – Meredith Grey
22. “I’m not a robot, I’m a person.” – Amelia Shepherd
23. “I’m not a saint, I’m a surgeon.” – Miranda Bailey
24. “I’m not a psychic, I just have a really good gut.” – Meredith Grey
25. “I’m a surgeon, not a politician.” – Owen Hunt
26. “I’m not a scientist, I’m a doctor.” – Derek Shepherd
27. “I’m not a wimp, I’m a survivor.” – April Kepner
28. “I’m not a mind reader, I’m a surgeon.” – Miranda Bailey
29. “I’m not a pushover, I just know how to pick my battles.” – Meredith Grey
30. “I’m not a coward, I’m just cautious.” – Nathan Riggs
31. “I’m not a liar, I’m a surgeon.” – Cristina Yang
32. “I’m not a superhero, I’m just really good at my job.” – Meredith Grey
33. “I’m not a flirt, I’m just friendly.” – Alex Karev
34. “I’m not a psychic, I’m a doctor. But I still think you’re pregnant.” – Miranda Bailey
35. “I’m not a cheater, I’m a surgeon.” – Derek Shepherd
36. “I’m not a crybaby, I’m just emotional.” – April Kepner
37. “I’m not a drama queen, I just have a lot of feelings.” – Meredith Grey
38. “I’m not a control freak, I’m a surgeon.” – Miranda Bailey
39. “I’m not a coward, I’m just not stupid.” – Cristina Yang
40. “I’m not a saint, I’m just not a jerk.” – Alex Karev
41. “I’m not a perfectionist, I just have high standards.” – Derek Shepherd
42. “I’m not a gossip, I’m a doctor.” – Miranda Bailey
43. “I’m not a diva, I’m just confident.” – Addison Montgomery
44. “I’m not a doormat, I just know how to compromise.” – Meredith Grey
45. “I’m not a martyr, I’m just doing my job.” – Miranda Bailey
46. “I’m not a snob, I’m just selective.” – Cristina Yang
47. “I’m not a procrastinator, I just work better under pressure.” – Meredith Grey
48. “I’m not a people-pleaser, I just know how to be polite.” – Alex Karev
49. “I’m not a control freak, I’m a surgeon. There’s a difference.” – Cristina Yang
50. “I’m not a quitter, I’m just taking a break.” – Maggie Pierce
51. “I’m not a pushover, I’m just empathetic.” – Meredith Grey
52. “I’m not a dictator, I’m a leader.” – Miranda Bailey
53. “I’m not a lightweight, I just don’t drink like a fish.” – April Kepner
54. “I’m not a hypochondriac, I just have a lot of medical knowledge.” – Maggie Pierce
55. “I’m not a loner, I just value my alone time.” – Cristina Yang
56. “I’m not a pessimist, I’m a realist with a negative attitude.” – Miranda Bailey
57. “I’m not a martyr, I’m just really good at my job.” – Meredith Grey
58. “I’m not a thief, I’m just really good at borrowing things.” – Alex Karev
59. “I’m not a control freak, I just know what’s best.” – Cristina Yang
60. “I’m not a baby, I’m just sensitive.” – April Kepner
61. “I’m not a robot, I’m just really good at my job.” – Miranda Bailey
62. “I’m not a nag, I’m just trying to help.” – Meredith Grey
63. “I’m not a wimp, I just know my limits.” – Alex Karev
64. “I’m not a drama queen, I’m just passionate.” – Cristina Yang
65. “I’m not a pushover, I’m just kind.” – Maggie Pierce
66. “I’m not a saint, I’m just not an asshole.” – Derek Shepherd
67. “I’m not a quitter, I’m just realistic.” – Owen Hunt
68. “I’m not a control freak, I’m a perfectionist.” – Miranda Bailey
69. “I’m not a baby, I just need to be held sometimes.” – April Kepner
70. “I’m not a dictator, I’m just assertive.” – Cristina Yang
71. “I’m not a robot, I’m just good at hiding my emotions.” – Owen Hunt
72. “I’m not a coward, I just know when to step back.” – Maggie Pierce
73. “I’m not a mind reader, I just pay attention.” – Meredith Grey
74. “I’m not a doormat, I just know how to compromise.” – Alex Karev
75. “I’m not a martyr, I’m just dedicated.” – Miranda Bailey
76. “I’m not a lightweight, I just don’t like to drink.” – Jackson Avery

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