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Top 99 Che Guevara Quotes In Spanish

Top 99 Che Guevara Quotes In Spanish

Che Guevara is a revolutionary icon and his words continue to inspire people around the world. Here are the top 99 Che Guevara quotes in Spanish:

  1. “Hasta la victoria siempre.” – “Until victory, always.”
  2. “El revolucionario verdadero está guiado por grandes sentimientos de amor.” – “The true revolutionary is guided by great feelings of love.”
  3. “Hay que endurecerse sin perder la ternura jamás.” – “One must harden without ever losing tenderness.”
  4. “Si no hay café para todos, no habrá para nadie.” – “If there is no coffee for everyone, there will be no coffee for anyone.”
  5. “La revolución es algo que se lleva en el alma, no en la boca para vivir de ella.” – “The revolution is something that is carried in the soul, not in the mouth to live off it.”
  6. “La solidaridad es la ternura de los pueblos.” – “Solidarity is the tenderness of the people.”
  7. “La juventud necesita crear. Una juventud que no crea es una anomalía realmente.” – “Youth needs to create. A youth that doesn’t create is truly an anomaly.”
  8. “Los grandes espíritus siempre han encontrado una violenta oposición de parte de mentes mediocres.” – “Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.”
  9. “La única forma de hacer una revolución es educando.” – “The only way to create a revolution is through education.”
  10. “La alegría es la mejor arma para cualquier revolución.” – “Joy is the best weapon for any revolution.”
  11. “El deber de todo revolucionario es hacer la revolución.” – “The duty of every revolutionary is to make the revolution.”
  12. “La verdadera revolución está en la educación. Si quieres cambiar el mundo, cambia la educación.” – “The true revolution is in education. If you want to change the world, change education.”
  13. “El hombre verdadero no mira de qué lado se come, sino de qué lado se lucha.” – “The true man doesn’t look at which side there is food, but which side there is a fight.”
  14. “Los pueblos tienen derecho a la lucha armada contra la opresión.” – “Peoples have the right to armed struggle against oppression.”
  15. “La solidaridad es la ternura de los pueblos.” – “Solidarity is the tenderness of the people.”
  16. “Hay que endurecerse, pero sin perder la ternura jamás.” – “One must harden without ever losing tenderness.”
  17. “Un revolucionario debe ser una máquina de guerra, pero también debe tener sentimientos.” – “A revolutionary must be a war machine, but must also have feelings.”
  18. “El futuro no es un regalo, es una conquista.” – “The future is not a gift, it is a conquest.”
  19. “El pensamiento es la fuente de la acción.” – “Thought is the source of action.”
  20. “Sólo el pueblo salva al pueblo.” – “Only the people save the people.”
  21. “El guerrillero debe ser una máquina de combate y también un ser humano sensible.” – “The guerrilla fighter must be a combat machine and also a sensitive human being.”
  22. “El verdadero revolucionario está guiado por grandes sentimientos de amor.” – “The true revolutionary is guided by great feelings of love.”
  23. “La revolución no es un trabajo de ángeles, es un trabajo de hombres, un trabajo duro y difícil.” – “The revolution is not a work of angels, it is a work of men, a hard and difficult work.”
  24. “La verdadera revolución es la que nace de la necesidad de cambiar uno mismo.” – “The true revolution is the one that arises from the need to change oneself.”
  25. “Revolución es sentido del momento histórico; es cambiar todo lo que debe ser cambiado; es igualdad y libertad plenas; es ser tratado y tratar a los demás como seres humanos.” – “Revolution is a sense of the historical moment; it is changing everything that must be changed; it is full equality and freedom; it is treating others and being treated as human beings.”
  26. “El deber de un revolucionario es hacer la revolución.” – “The duty of a revolutionary is to make the revolution.”
  27. “La revolución es una lucha a muerte entre el futuro y el pasado.” – “The revolution is a fight to the death between the future and the past.”
  28. “El revolucionario debe ser una mezcla de ángel y demonio.” – “The revolutionary must be a mixture of angel and demon.”
  29. “El conocimiento nos hace responsables.” – “Knowledge makes us responsible.”
  30. “La revolución no se hace, se vive.” – “The revolution is not made, it is lived.”
  31. “Seamos realistas, hagamos lo imposible.” – “Let’s be realistic, let’s do the impossible.”
  32. “El amor es la fuerza más revolucionaria que existe.” – “Love is the most revolutionary force that exists.”
  33. “Si no sabemos cómo resolver un problema, lo mejor es aumentar el problema.” – “If we don’t know how to solve a problem, the best thing is to increase the problem.”
  34. “La solidaridad es la ternura de los pueblos.” – “Solidarity is the tenderness of the people.”
  35. “Un pueblo sin música es un pueblo sin alma.” – “A people without music is a people without soul.”
  36. “El revolucionario debe ser un poeta, porque si no es poeta, será un asesino.” – “The revolutionary must be a poet, because if he is not a poet, he will be a killer.”
  37. “La política es el arte de buscar problemas, encontrarlos, hacer un diagnóstico falso y aplicar después los remedios equivocados.” – “Politics is the art of looking for problems, finding them, making a false diagnosis, and then applying the wrong remedies.”
  38. “La libertad es la esencia misma de la vida.” – “Freedom is the very essence of life.”
  39. “La patria no es el territorio, es el pueblo.” – “The homeland is not the territory, it is the people.”
  40. “La violencia es la última opción del incompetente.” – “Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.”
  41. “La justicia social no puede ser conseguida con la riqueza de unos pocos, sino con la redistribución de la riqueza de todos.” – “Social justice cannot be achieved with the wealth of a few, but with the redistribution of the wealth of all.”
  42. “La lucha es un símbolo de vida.” – “The struggle is a symbol of life.”
  43. “La riqueza de un hombre se mide por la cantidad de amigos que tiene.” – “The wealth of a man is measured by the number of friends he has.”
  44. “El tiempo es el mejor juez de todas las cosas.” – “Time is the best judge of all things.”
  45. “Si no hay café para todos, no habrá para nadie.” – “If there is no coffee for everyone, there will be no coffee for anyone.”
  46. “No hay que tener miedo a la muerte, sino a no vivir la vida plenamente.” – “We must not be afraid of death, but of not living life fully.”
  47. “La verdadera revolución es la revolución de la conciencia.” – “The true revolution is the revolution of consciousness.”
  48. “La educación es el arma más poderosa que puedes usar para cambiar el mundo.” – “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.”
  49. “El que quiera ser revolucionario tiene que ser un ser humano íntegro.” – “Anyone who wants to be a revolutionary must be a whole human being.”
  50. “La belleza no está en la cara, la belleza es una luz en el corazón.” – “Beauty is not in the face, beauty is a light in the heart.”
  51. “La libertad no es un regalo que se da, sino una recompensa que se gana.” – “Freedom is not a gift that is given, but a reward that is earned.”
  52. “Si no hay justicia para el pueblo, que no haya paz para el gobierno.” – “If there is no justice for the people, let there be no peace
    Frases de Che Guevara, Espero levantarme un día y ver a mi pueblo unido
    Frases de Che Guevara, Espero levantarme un día y ver a mi pueblo unido from br.pinterest.com

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