Big Lebowski In And Out Burger
Are you a fan of The Big Lebowski and In-N-Out Burger? Combine your love for both with these top 99 quotes and top 10 tips for celebrating the Big Lebowski In-N-Out Burger event!
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- “I’ll tell you what I’m blathering about… I’ve got information man! New shit has come to light!”
- “The Dude abides.”
- “Yeah, well, you know, that’s just, like, your opinion, man.”
- “This is a very complicated case, Maude. You know, a lotta ins, a lotta outs, a lotta what-have-yous.”
- “Nobody calls me Lebowski. You got the wrong guy. I’m the Dude, man.”
- “I don’t roll on Shabbos.”
- “That rug really tied the room together.”
- “Obviously you’re not a golfer.”
- “You want a toe? I can get you a toe, believe me. There are ways, Dude. You don’t wanna know about it, believe me.”
- “I’m just gonna go find a cash machine.”
- “This aggression will not stand, man.”
- “You’re not wrong, Walter, you’re just an asshole.”
- “Walter, I love you, but sooner or later, you’re going to have to face the fact that you’re a moron.”
- “You want me to blow on your toes?”
- “It’s like what Lenin said… you look for the person who will benefit, and, uh, uh…”
- “The bums lost!”
- “Hey, careful, man, there’s a beverage here!”
- “Nihilists! Fuck me. I mean, say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it’s an ethos.”
- “I’m sorry, Smokey, you were over the line. That’s a foul.”
- “That’s a bummer, man. That’s a bummer.”
- “We’re talking about unchecked aggression here, dude.”
- “I can get you a toe by 3 o’clock this afternoon… with nail polish.”
- “I’m the Dude. So that’s what you call me. You know, that or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you’re not into the whole brevity thing.”
- “Fuck it, Dude, let’s go bowling.”
- “You see what happens, Larry? You see what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps?”
- “But I still jerk off manually.”
- “Mind if I do a J?”
- “The Dude: Yeah, well, you know, the Dude abides. The Stranger: The Dude abides. I don’t know about you, but I take comfort in that. It’s good knowin’ he’s out there. The Dude. Takin’ ‘er easy for all us sinners.”
- “I’m just helping her conceive, man!”
- “Let me explain something to you. Um, I am not “Mr. Lebowski”. You’re Mr. Lebowski. I’m the Dude. So that’s what you call me. You know, that or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you’re not into the whole brevity thing.”
- “I mean, say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it’s an ethos.”
- “I’m a brother shamus.”
- “I don’t see any connection to Vietnam, Walter.”
- “Walter Sobchak: You want a toe? I can get you a toe, believe me. There are ways, Dude. You don’t wanna know about it, believe me. The Dude: Yeah, but Walter… Walter Sobchak: Hell, I can get you a toe by 3 o’clock this afternoon… with nail polish.”
- “You know, that or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you’re not into the whole brevity thing.”
- “Smokey, this is not ‘Nam. This is bowling. There are rules.”
- “What’s a pederast, Walter?”
- “You think I’m fucking around here? Mark it zero!”
- “Yeah, well, that’s just, like, your opinion, man.”
- “You human paraquat!”
- “Oooh, you’re gonna see what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass, Larry!”
- “Walter Sobchak: Fuck sympathy! I don’t need your fuckin’ sympathy, man, I need my fucking johnson! The Dude: What do you need that for, Dude? Walter Sobchak: You don’t wanna know.”
- “Eight-year-olds, Dude.”
- “Fuckin’ Quintana… that creep can roll, man.”
- “I don’t know about you, but I take comfort in that. It’s good knowin’ he’s out there.”
- “Calmer than you are.”
- “Yeah, but you’re not in the National League, you know, you’re not going to be able to use the DH. “
- “I can’t be worrying about that shit. Life goes on, man.”
- “Mr. Treehorn treats objects like women, man.”
- “You see what happens, Larry? You see what happens when you feed a stoner scrambled eggs?”
- “I’m the Dude, man.”
- “A life of aimless wandering has, in your case, given you a certain… advantage.”
- “I’ve got information, man!”
- “You know, Dude, I myself dabbled in pacifism once.”
- “Fucking dog has fucking papers, OVER THE LINE!”
- “I don’t want to get into a physical thing.”
- “You don’t want to know about it, believe me.”
- “I’m a brother shamus. You know, a Catholic, a private eye, the works.”
- “I’m sorry, I wasn’t listening.”
- “What in God’s holy name are you blathering about?”
- “I don’t see any connection to Vietnam, Walter.”
- “That’s fucking interesting, man. That’s fucking interesting.”
- “Walter Sobchak: I told that kraut a fucking thousand times that I don’t roll on Shabbos! Donny: What’s Shabbos? Walter Sobchak: Saturday, Donny, is Shabbos, the Jewish day of rest. That means that I don’t work, I don’t get in a car, I don’t fucking ride in a car, I don’t pick up the phone, I don’t turn on the oven, and I sure as shit… DON’T FUCKING ROLL! Shomer shabbos!”
- “I don’t like your jerk-off name. I don’t like your jerk-off face. I don’t like your jerk-off behavior, and I don’t like you, jerk-off. Do I make myself clear?”
- “I am not Mr. Lebowski, you’re Mr. Lebowski. I’m the Dude.”
- “Walter Sobchak: You want a toe? I can get you a toe, believe me. There are ways, Dude. You don’t wanna know about it, believe me. The Dude: Yeah, but Walter… Walter Sobchak: Hell, I can get you a toe by 3 o’clock this afternoon… with nail polish.”
- “I’m not Mr. Lebowski. You’re Mr. Lebowski.”
- “I did not achieve this position in life by having some snot-nosed punk leave my cheese out in the wind.”
- “They’re nihilists, Donny. Nothing to be afraid of.”
- “Oh, the usual. I bowl. Drive around. The occasional acid flashback.”
- “I’m calmer than you are.”
- “That’s a great plan, Walter.”
- “I’m staying. I’m finishing my coffee.”
- “This is not ‘Nam. This is bowling. There are rules.”
- “I’m sorry, I wasn’t listening.”
- “Uh, no, Walter, it did not look like Larry was about to crack.”
- “Mr. Lebowski asked me to repeat that: Her life is in your hands.”
- “I would have just gave you the money, man.”
- “People forget that the brain is the biggest erogenous zone.”
- “You’re out of your element, Donny.”
- “I’m just gonna go find a cash machine.”
- “Nobody fucks with the Jesus.”
- “This is what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass!”
- “It’s a
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